The Marriage Resource Center is served by the Marriage Initiative team based in San Antonio, Texas. 
The Marriage Initiative started out locally serving the San Antonio area in 2009 with a season of prayer after a vision from its founder to rally people in the community around the hopeful message for marriage.
In its first three years, coffee discussions were held with over 270 people from 75 churches. The pivotal question asked was, “How can we help you help couples?”  The key takeaway was that to truly impact a community; those working towards the same goals need to get to know one another, talk, share, and help each other.
In 2013, our founder sat down with a prominent marriage author, an award winning leader whose resources had positively impacted thousands of marriages. During that conversation, the leader lamented how difficult it was to connect with church and community leaders who were on the front lines in cities around the country.

There was an incredible need for connection – to find a way for leaders to connect with others who were also serving marriages in churches and communities around the country.
As a result, the Marriage Initiative now works to bridge the gap between church, community, and content leaders so that they can come alongside one another and work together – learning, supporting, and networking in the pursuit of creating healthy marriages in every home. 
All of the content you will find on this site is designed to help leaders make effective decisions on collaborating with others in their niche of ministry, as well as finding speakers for events, resources for couples, and curriculum for groups.
Together, we can build a strong foundation for marriages that thrive and positively impact communities for generations to come.