Although the book is geared toward women, if a guy were brave enough to read it, he’d be able to understand women on a whole new level, Ainsley said. She also taped a video for guys explaining how not to be a “BooBoo Dude” that’s available on her website, along with other resources including a free quiz to help someone decide if they are dating a BooBoo Dude, a Wild Confidence Podcast, and Field Guides of lessons she’s learned about faith and lifestyle.
Along her journey of self-discovery and finding her worth in Christ, Ainsley found great value in a tool called the Enneagram.
“A friend mentioned the Enneagram when I was healing from the abusive relationship,” she said. “It gave me closure and really helped explain how the Lord made me. I was at the lowest point in life and questioning God’s plan for me, then the Enneagram helped me realize God’s purpose for me and understand and like how He made me. I realized it was the intimacy with the Lord I was missing all along. I was able to feel really loved and understood by God.
“When I took time to understand myself through God’s eyes, I was able to raise my standards in the dating world. That’s when I was able to compile all my thoughts and posts and put them in one place.” – stories that became the foundation of Don’t Date a BooBoo Dude. “This is really an identity book disguised as a dating book,” Ainsley added.
When in Houston, church leadership encouraged her to pursue her interest in the Enneagram and become a certified coach. Ainsley chose to train under Beth and Jeff McCord, best-selling authors and founders of Your Enneagram Coach, because of their emphasis on incorporating the Enneagram into a Christ-centered coaching model. “The McCords do a really good job of pointing you to the Lord and putting the Enneagram in its proper place,” she said.
Now Ainsley spends much of her time following the McCords’ footsteps serving individuals, families and even companies as an Enneagram coach. Her new book, The Enneagram for Teens: A Complete Guide to Self-Discovery and Spiritual Growth, will be released in summer, 2024.