Build Your Marriage | Discussion, Bible Study or Affair Recovery | Ministry Couple Addresses Wide Gamut of Relational Needs to Strengthen Marriages
Nobody enters the world alone. Relationships form the foundation of the human experience. But sometimes the ties that bind begin to chafe, especially between those we love most. Helping couples untangle the knots and strengthen marriage has long been the focus of Christian marriage speakers and authors Brad and Heidi Mitchell, founders of Build Your Marriage ministry.
Brad’s pastored churches for more than 30 years since his graduation from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. As a lead pastor, Brad sees many couples whose lives are in crisis. It wasn’t until the Mitchells’ own marriage crashed, and “crashed hard,” that he and Heidi realized they were called to draw from their experience to help others more formally. They founded Build Your Marriage 10 years ago and share their messages at conferences and camps across the country while still continuing to shepherd the River Church in a suburb of Cincinnati.
“We felt like the Lord was leading us to start a nonprofit ministry and talk about things we wished we would have done better,” Heidi said. “We’ve had the privilege of seeing couples’ lives changed and marriages healed and restored. It’s God’s ministry. We’re just trying to be good stewards.”
One unique feature of Build Your Marriage is that Brad and Heidi tailor their speaking topics to fit each venue and audience — church, camp, fundraiser or organization support group. “We’ve created a menu of material, so we always offer something fresh when we return to a host site,” Brad said. They’ve crafted 22 biblically-based sessions including titles like purpose, spiritual growth, communication, romance and spiritual warfare.