A second step is for couples to consider praying together in the midst of conflict. “You have to lower the guard of your heart. Even if you just say, ‘Lord, help us,’ The Holy Spirit will supernaturally soften your hearts toward each other. If we go to the Lord for help, he will help us. If we just stay in our good intentions and will power, we get the same thing we have.”
A second crucial concept Rob addresses in his couples’ material is forgiveness — teaching husbands and wives how to navigate daily conflicts. Many marriage conflicts are rooted in the pain and hurt in a person’s past they have never processed. He rejects the notion that time heals all wounds and instead developed biblical tools to help couples forgive each other. He describes a person with unresolved pain as one whose emotional bucket is full of mud. Small things can trigger an emotional overflow because there’s no room left for another stressor. When someone chooses to forgive with the will, God provides a release valve to allow some of the muck to drain.
His three-part forgiveness process rejects pat answers and instead provides steps to act with intentionality.
The first two phases are between a person and the Lord.
Forgive with the will.
We are commanded by God to forgive, even when we don’t feel like forgiving, when the person hasn’t asked for forgiveness, when they may be still doing the same behaviors. These realities are painful but not relevant. In private, get out a piece of paper and write down, It hurt me when…. “And ask God to help bring to mind events and words that hurt you in the relationship. Then grit your teeth and specifically pray over these things. Let God know you may be doing this against your better judgement, but you are doing it because you are making a choice.
Forgive from the heart.
Heart change is the Holy Spirit’s territory. Pray daily for Him to do this work. You have chosen to forgive, but you cannot get rid of the bitterness and anger in your heart. Even if the person continues the behavior, ask the Lord to process your emotions.
Reconciliation and a healed relationship.
The key actor in this phase is the other person, who needs to seek forgiveness. This may not happen, but you have done your part if you’ve forgiven with the will and the heart.