She and Mark help couples get back in touch with themselves and each other. “It’s almost like introducing themselves again,” she added. The Savages draw from Milan and Kay Yerkovich’s attachment theory and love styles research (as published in their book, How We Love), which they found helpful on their journey to reunification. Jill said no one is too old or married too long to benefit from understanding their dynamic. She mentioned that last summer they worked with three couples in a row who had been married for a handful of decades.
“Even in that stage of life — in their late 60s and early 70s — their childhood experiences were still affecting their marriage,” she said.
Jill published the book, Empty Nest, Full Life, in 2019 to provide encouragement for empty nest moms through her own experience launching the Savages’ five children. The book is written in two parts inspired by a verse in Ecclesiastes, “There is a time to let go, and a time to hold on.” The first part of the book details things mothers of adult children should let go of — things like guilt, unrealistic expectations, control and their children’s problems.
“You did the best that you could with the knowledge and experience you had at the time,” she said. “Let go of guilt and the need to fix your kids’ problems. Don’t compare yourself to others, that will hold you back.” She recommends moms join her in the “Keep it Shut Club,” and to “Pray, Don’t Say” when tempted to comment on their kids’ lives or give an opinion on their appearance or behavior.
The second part, Hold On, based on Isaiah 49:19, “Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it?” casts a vision for what’s to come. “That’s the excitement of a full life,” she said. “The possibility of something new that’s just around the corner. We’ve been waiting
for the kids to leave for so long, we’ve forgotten the possibility that our lives and marriages can be different.”
Jill encourages empty nest moms to Hold On to their marriages, addressing ruts and bad habits, how to communicate dreams and feelings and the sex gap. She writes in detail how changing bodies in mid-life can affect a person’s enjoyment of physical intimacy and encourages readers to get help to rekindle a vibrant sexual relationship with their spouse.