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Are You Really OK? My On-Air Session with Natalie Grant

Debra Fileta

Over the next few weeks I’ll be having raw, open, and honest conversations with some of the top Christian leaders and teachers, asking them: are YOU really ok?  This series comes in anticipation of my upcoming book, Are You Really OK?, challenging each and every one of us to get real about how we’re really doing.

Today’s session with Natalie Grant is SO hopeful. A top Christian female vocalist, she has been through her own journey with anxiety and panic in the most unexpected places. She hit her low point, and needed the people in her life to carry her through. Her story will remind you that you are not alone, that you don’t have to be okay, and that there is room for Jesus, therapy AND medication in your life. All of the above.

Podcast thumbnail Are You Really OK? My On-Air Session with Natalie Grant Podcast

Additional Resources by: Debra Fileta