Discover the foundational building blocks to a faith based, healthy blended family. This study has been designed to engage families in all stages of marriage and remarriage, in a meaningful and realistic conversation of the challenges faced when blending families together. Each week, of this sixteen week study, we believe you will be challenged to think, grow and even change as God speaks to you about his vision for your family. As the winner of the 2019 Christian Literary Awards, People’s Choice Award for Generation XYZ, this resource for blended families has been chosen by couples as the preferred tool to help them navigate the complexities these families face. Topics such as realignment, setting healthy expectations, fighting fair, co-parenting, step money, and how to handle holidays, are just of a few of the tough issues these family face. Use Building Blocks to Make the Family WHOLE Again as the resource to open the door of communication in your family. The Leader Guide comes with ALL the content you need to facilitate a small group discussion at church, your community group or home. Each Chapter has leader discussion points to drive deeper discussion on each point, along with Foundational Points to Consider. Each chapter also has a Week Ahead section that gives couples the opportunity to answer reflective questions and complete exercises together alone or as a family.
Maximize Your Marriage
Sometimes we settle, we coexist, we go along to get along, or we just try