Based on the best-selling series of books by Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn, this 2-disc DVD and participant’s guide set provides three different video studies—one for women, one for men, and one for couples—that each deliver practical tips and surprising insights for both singles and married couples. Designed for individuals or groups (Bible studies, small groups, Sunday school classes, premarital or marriage counseling), this all-in-one special value package includes The For Women Only Video Study: Six 15-minute sessions for women with Shaunti Feldhahn; The For Men Only Video Study: Six 10- to 15-minute sessions for men with Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn; The For Couples Only Video Study: Six sessions consisting of two 10-minute segments designed specifically to be watched by men and women together, with Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn.
Date Night at Home
Looking for a new exciting DIY Date Night you can do at home with your