For couples who face an emergency in their marriage, the best first responder would be a professional who has the proper training. The reality, however, is that many who face marital difficulties do not go to a professional first. They seek advice instead from YOU – their friend or family member. You may not have signed up to be a first responder to your friend or family member’s marriage, but you are a first responder, whether you are prepared for that task or not. You may be uncomfortable calling yourself a “first responder,” but for Christ followers, Jesus charged us in the Great Commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves! To illustrate this, he told the story of the Good Samaritan who helped a neighbor in desperate need even though that neighbor had been passed up by both a priest and a Levite. Jesus encouraged his followers to be like the Samaritan in this story and help those in need. 2Restored’s® Friend2Friend® training offers tools, resources, and hands-on practice to prepare you to be an effective modern day Good Samaritan to your friend or family member’s marriage.

Joined by Grace website
Joined by Grace was developed with one goal in mind: to help engaged couples build