Jacked An Irrepressible Passion to Share the Gospel By Shelby Abbott Jacked is a collection of stories, anecdotes, and observations about expanding God’s kingdom. Shelby Abbott writes with humor, passion and insight about that which is most important to him – seeing people inspired to be God’s kingdom builders. Like a journalist at the scene of an interesting event, Shelby records what he has seen, heard and experienced. But, unlike a journalist, he’s not a neutral “just the facts, ma’am” observer: he’s pretty jacked about what he’s witnessed and he’s trying to convince you to experience the same. The stories and devotionals are organized into five sections based on Campus Crusade’s evangelism model, which describes five components of evangelism: the Master, the Message, the Messengers, the Masses and the Methods. Each section contains six devotional-length articles and a small group bible study addressing that particular evangelism component, thus providing practical explanation and reinforcement of the evangelism model. Jacked, stoked, jazzed, psyched, amped, and pumped essentially all mean the same thing: to be extremely enthusiastic, exhilarated, or excited about something.
Love Thinks Podcast
Join two relationship experts and a father-daughter team, Dr. John Van Epp and Dr. Morgan