Are you a new parent, or about to become one? Learn three simple habits that will keep love alive and protect your relationship against the pressures that parenting brings. In the excitement and exhaustion of becoming parents, the first thing that can get overlooked is your relationship. You might spend less time together, argue over little things, drift apart. In the UK, one in five children see their parents separate before the end of their first year at school. One in two children experience family breakdown before they finish school. But it doesn’t have to be like this. Most family breakdown is avoidable. In Let’s Stick Together, relationship educator and father of six Harry Benson guides you through three simple habits that research shows make or break new mums and dads. Illustrated with real-life examples from Harry’s own back-from-the-brink marriage and those of other couples, Let’s Stick Together highlights simple principles that will make your relationship the best it can be and ensure you don’t become just another statistic.
Date Night at Home
Looking for a new exciting DIY Date Night you can do at home with your