Just as driving a car without routine maintenance can lead to problems, a marriage needs attention to stay on track. The Marriage Encounter experience is a skill-building enrichment program where together, you, as husband and wife,* learn how to be the best couple you can be.
Over a weekend or in seven three-hour sessions, the Marriage Encounter experience will give you the tools to remain strong as a couple and be a united force to provide a stable and loving environment for your children. As you become empty-nesters, you can use the same tools to continue growing and thriving in your relationship, living a lifetime love.
A Marriage Encounter is not couples therapy. There is no counseling. The experience consists of presentations followed by private time between husband and wife.
If the word “Encounter” sounds scary to you, you’re not alone. But don’t let it turn you off. During your Worldwide Marriage Encounter experience you and your spouse will “encounter” an entirely new way to communicate with each other that you may have never “encountered” before.

Six Jars of Love: Loving Attitudes to Help Married Couples Reconnect
Six Jars of Love can help you experience God s grace within your marriage and