Seminar Course: Finding Joy in the Empty Nest

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Seminar Course: Finding Joy in the Empty Nest

Jim Burns

When the kids are gone, you can discover a richer, deeper, and more fulfilling life than you ever imagined! Whether you’ve been looking forward to it or dreading it, the experience of coming home to an empty nest brings with it a well of emotions, realizations and one gigantic, all-consuming thought: Now what? In Finding Joy in the Empty Nest you will discover the best is yet to come! • How to reinvent the relationship with your adult children • How to create new habits and new adventures with less clutter • Finish well – understanding that significance and a well lived life are not accidental • Learn to thrive in the empty nest, whether single or married • Find that keys to a happy life are strong friendships and a good support system

Additional Resources by: Jim Burns

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