Found dating to be a tad daunting? Or is your dating life closer to a complete disaster? Or are you dreaming of just having a date? Regardless, I pose this question: Would you like to thrive throughout your dating experience? Truth is, I merely survived the dating process. I emerged with an amazing wife who, after 25+ years, is still my best friend, but I made many missteps. Ridiculous missteps that would have never been made had I examined and understood the motives which drove me to date. I believe you can thrive in your dating experience if you understand and commit to avoiding these ten dating blunders. However, it’s going to take more than one quick post to do that. That’s why I spent the majority of an entire year walking through the TOP10 Dumbest Reasons to Date in our Date Night Advice (DNA) blog. Now, here for the first time, I share all ten in one post, with hyperlinks for each dumb reason, so you can drill down and understand the motives of which you suspect you might be guilty.
Preparing for Marriage
Cultivating a thriving marriage isn’t always easy. It takes skills and intentionality. It takes two