The Visionary Marriage series is a comprehensive resource for Christian couples looking to deepen their understanding of their purpose and mission as a married couple. Created by Dr. Rob Rienow and Amy Rienow, the series includes 5 Bible-driven video sessions that focus on the biblical foundation for marriage, communication, sexuality, and conflict resolution, and provides guidance on how to apply these principles to couples’ own lives. The sessions are designed to be beneficial for both newly engaged and long-time married couples as they strive to grow in their relationships with God and with each other.
The five sessions in the series are: The Power of Forgiveness, God’s Mission for Husbands, God’s Mission for Wives, Raising Godly Children, and Generations & the Kingdom of God. Each session is approximately 40 minutes long and provides a biblical perspective on various aspects of marriage and family life, with the ultimate goal of encouraging couples to embrace a shared mission and purpose for the glory of God and the advancement of His Kingdom.
Date Night at Home
Looking for a new exciting DIY Date Night you can do at home with your